Foto van coach Iwan Koenderman

Social media | Iwan Koenderman

Entrepreneur, want clients? I’ll help you define your niche and make your expertise shine through social posts

Book now, start with:

● a clear message;

● your social posts

● your expert status claim;

Download free E-book

Get my free e-book with 5 steps to get more clients on social media through online marketing, using your message, content creation, and planning.

Watch video.

You want more sales in the long term

Yes, your website is finally online. You're keeping a close eye on your mailbox. You're all set for those clients. You've already managed to get some orders through networking and phone calls, but you'd like to have more. You're hoping for long-term continuity. But it's eerily quiet. Your website is hardly being viewed and almost no one is reacting to your social media profiles. Only nice messages from friends and family. It's time to change your strategy.

I help creative entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who work with people to make their message as concrete and clear as possible, based on their passion, the 'why' behind what they do, and the value they can deliver to their clients

So that they can use it when creating and planning messages and texts on their social media and website. I can assist with writing the posts, or I can fully take over the task if they already have a clear idea.

This allows them to become visible to their ideal client and, as a result, work towards sustainable long-term revenue.

Do you recognize yourself in this?

Authentic online message works

You cannot distinguish yourself from others and be authentic, unique, and relevant if your message is unclear and your 'why', your reason for doing it and your pasion does not resonate in that message.

I hear you, you are not alone.

I'm Iwan Koenderman and I see this with so many of my clients.

Hence my 5 step plan you can start right away. To make sure that your clients can always find you (online).

Everyone is now online and you want to be present where your clients are. Online marketing also offers a nice backup in case offline doesn't work out. Additionally, online marketing is something where you have the most control in your own hands. You are the one who takes charge of content creation and planning. Therefore, make sure you are always visible online with a clear message and 'why', so that your ideal client can find you. This idea of the 'why' comes from Simon Sinek, author of the book 'Start With Why' and an inspiring speaker. According to him, strong brands and leaders always act from their 'why'

If your message is already clear, make an appointment with me so I can take care of writing the posts for you. If it's not clear yet, no problem. You can start right away with my 5-step plan.

With increased sales financial freedom can be achieved

A clear message makes you visible to your ideal client online, allowing you to work towards lasting sales in the long term and financial freedom. Depending on the need, you can think of financial freedom as:

● More wealth. Through your message you can work on getting more and more clients online (including social media) so that you generate more sales

● Full financial control. Thanks to your message and gaining expert status, you can work on organically attracting clients without active effort and independent of marketers or networking event.

● Financial independence. Nowadays it is easier and faster to build a business online with a message, which attracts enough clients to quit your job

Get clients online in just 3 steps


1. Download the free E-book with blueprint in 5 steps and get an overview.

2. Choose the program and make an appointment with me without obligation.

3. Be proud of yourself for building a successful business with more sales.

Download free E-book

I wrote a free e-book in which I explain my 5-step plan

Image of the free English e-book by Iwan Koenderman |Online Business Coach Online Profiler Blogger Photographer

I can take the burden off your shoulders with social media?

Shall we have a quick meeting to see how fast we can get a great post out there? I'm sure this will bring new opportunities for your business!

Why I can help you?

Make an appointment so that you can start:

Why I can help you?

I am an dedicated online business coach, who can help you clearly define your passion, mission, your why and message for doing business. So you can use this as the basis for your social media strategy and online marketing

Experience personally that social selling works

Social selling involves sharing valuable information on social media from your authentic message, arousing curiosity among prospects. This can lead to trust, brand awareness, and increased sales. The goal is to attract customers to you and create ambassadors. We actually did this unconsciously with our family business.

Experience personally that social selling works

As a partner in a family business that produces handmade lampshades, with a background in building websites and social media, I saw that customers found their way to us even in times of crisis. That's because we posted information about our work and methodology online. They were amazed and happy that we could help them. Price was not even an issue for them, but visibility on the internet was! I took online marketing into my own hands to find answers to my own working solution in online visibility and social media. My research and work turned into helping others do the same. And now I can share that with the world as a business coach and social media coach, starting with you!!

Walk your talk; carried out my 5-step plan myself

Just before corona I started my own company. With another business plan. I offered support to entrepreneurs on social media and with websites. At that time there were still network events that you could visit, but that soon ended. During corona I made a switch to the online coaching business. For this I have created a completely new website with Gatsby. To be found organically, it is completely SEO proof and it loads quickly on mobile. And of course I was forced to find clients on social media through content creation and content planning.

I help you get more clients

By getting your message sharp online

You sell yourself with a message that clearly incorporates your passion and why you do it. This why refers to Simon Sinek's. He says that strong leaders and brands always act from their why, the why they do something. You present yourself as a strong personal brand. You let that message be heard in your content creation, content planning and your online marketing. So that you gain the respect and trust of the expert that you are. So you claim your expert status on social media through content creation and content planning. And get more customers that way.

→I believe that everyone should be able to have financial freedom regardless of who, what or where.

Image posted to: I believe everyone should be able to have financial freedom regardless of who, what or where; Iwan Koenderman |Online Business Coach Online Profiler Blogger Photographer

Nowadays, online visibility is handy anyway

It is therefore always useful to be visible online in order to get more clients.

Do you want to know the small changes which can make your website be more effectively in getting clients?

How to reach your ideal client with a clearly compact website, content creation, content planning, inspiration and effective posts on:

* Instagram;

* Facebook;

* LinkedIn;

* or other socials?

With a good clear online marketing strategy that suits you.

Social media is currently the way to claim your expert status online so that you become more visible online, get social proof and can use your full potential so that your clients can find you better without losing a lot of time.

Schedule a no-obligation appointment with me for a free scan.

Upcoming Zoom events: which I organize online!!

I regularly organize online events. Do you want to know more? If there are enough registrations, I will give the webinar: More sales online in just 5 steps. Email me if you want to participate.

What professional relations say about Iwan koenderman!

→Iwan helped me to see how I can sell my message. I had my product and the problem that it solved. And while I was talking about it he found multiple angles of how I could market and sell it that I hadn't thought about. He helped me to look at what and how I was selling with new and fresh eyes while giving advice that I wouldn't have been able to come up with on my own.

Filip Lindström, vagus nerve and the nervous system

Filip Lindström, vagus nerve and the nervous system |Online Business Coach Online Profiler Blogger Photographer

→ Watch this video by Astrid Schoonderbeek about Iwan Koenderman.

FAQ; the why, Simon Sinek, more clients

1. What is meant by the why?

The why comes from the Golden Circle model by Simon Sinek. Where the why is in the inner circle. Simon Sinek argues that strong brands and leaders always work from the middle, the why, out to the what, unlike those who aren't. They go from the outside in and start with the what. Do you want to know what that can mean for you?

Then make an appointment with me without obligation

2. Who is Simon Sinek?

Simon Sinek is a management guru from England, known for his book 'Start with why'. In that book he explains his model as the Golden Circle consisting of 3 concentric circles with in the middle why, then how, then what. Strong leaders and brands act from the inside out, starting with the why, then the how and only then the what.

3 Can you get clients on social media?

Yes, of course. That is possible if you sell your message from your passion. By creating content on social media that is authentic, relevant and social. In the form of posts, contributions, video reels, podcasts. So that clients will trust you and see you as the expert. Want to know more about this?

Then download my E-book about this